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The Project is situated in the Wimmera Southern Mallee (WSM) region of Victoria and will involve mining the Avonbank ore body to produce a premium quality mineral sands product mainly comprising zircon, titanium-rich mineral concentrate and minor amounts of rare earth products.

The mineral sands product will be transported to the Port of Portland for overseas export, supporting the increasing global demand for critical minerals. The Project aims to generate and maintain significant long-term employment and economic activity in Victoria and the WSM region.

The Avonbank Mineral Sands Project Environment Effects Statement (EES) and draft Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA) are available to view or download from this page. Public exhibition of the EES and planning draft PSA is from Friday 14 April 2023 to Friday 26 May 2023.​


Navigating the EES  PDF

Summary Brochure  PDF 

Table of Contents  PDF  |  Word

EES Chapters


Executive Summary  PDF  |  Word


Chapter 1 – Introduction  PDF | Word


Chapter 2 – Project Description  PDF | Word

Chapter 3 – Project Alternatives  PDF | Word

Chapter 4 – Regulatory Framework  PDF | Word

Chapter 5 – Community Engagement  PDF | Word

Chapter 6 – Impact Assessment Framework  PDF | Word

Chapter 7 – Regional Setting  PDF | Word

Chapter 8 – Land Use and Planning  PDF | Word

Chapter 9 – Traffic and Transport  PDF | Word

Chapter 10 – Historic Heritage  PDF | Word

Chapter 11 – Landscape and Visual Amenity  PDF | Word

Chapter 12 – Noise and Vibration  PDF | Word

Chapter 13 – Air Quality  PDF | Word

Chapter 14 – Radiation  PDF | Word

Chapter 15 – Soils and Landform  PDF | Word

Chapter 16 – Surface Water  PDF | Word

Chapter 17 – Groundwater  PDF | Word

Chapter 18 – Human Health  PDF | Word

Chapter 19 – Wastes and Emissions  PDF | Word

Chapter 20 – Socioeconomics  PDF | Word

Chapter 21 – Flora and Fauna  PDF | Word

Chapter 22 – Land Rehabilitation  PDF | Word

Chapter 23 – Aboriginal Cultural Heritage  PDF | Word

Chapter 24 – Environmental Management  PDF | Word

Chapter 25 – Matters of National Environmental Significance  PDF | Word

Chapter 26 – Summary and Conclusions  PDF | Word

Chapter 27 – Glossary, Abbreviations and Acronyms  PDF | Word

References  PDF  |  Word

Technical Reports

Appendix A: Scoping Requirements  PDF


Appendix B: Land Use and Planning Impact Assessment PDF

Appendix C: Road Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment  PDF


Appendix D: Historic Heritage Impact Assessment  PDF

Appendix E: Cultural Heritage Management Plan Summary  PDF

Appendix F: Landscape and Visual Amenity Impact Assessment  PDF

Appendix G: Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment  PDF

Appendix H: Air Quality Impact Assessment  PDF

Appendix I: Radiation Risk Assessment  PDF

Appendix J: Soils and Landform Impact Assessment  PDF

Appendix K: Surface Water Impact Assessment  PDF

Appendix L: Groundwater Impact Assessment  PDF

Appendix M: Human Health Risk Assessment  PDF

Appendix N: Economics Impact Assessment  PDF

Appendix O: Social Impact Assessment  PDF

Appendix P: Flora and Fauna Impact Assessment  PDF

Appendix Q: Waste and Emissions Impact Assessment  PDF


Attachment 1: Stakeholder Engagement Report  PDF

Attachment 2: Draft Planning Scheme Amendment  PDF

Attachment 3: Rehabilitation Plan  PDF

Attachment 4: Work Plan Framework  PDF

Attachment 5: Aspects and Risks  PDF


Public Exhibition


Public exhibition of the EES and draft PSA is from Friday 14 April 2023 to Friday 26 May 2023Submissions can be made in writing and be received by 11:59 pm on Friday 26 May 2023.


Online submissions are preferred and can be made through the Victorian Government’s engagement website

Submitters unable to lodge online can contact Planning Panels Victoria (PPV) through the Customer Call Centre on 136 186 (select option 6) and request a hard copy submission cover sheet. Each hard copy submission must include a cover sheet issued by PPV.

All submissions must state the name and address of the person making the submission. Submissions will be treated as public documents and will be published on the Engage Victoria website.

Planning Panels Victoria (PPV) independently manages the submission process, and any inquiries regarding the management of submissions and the Inquiry and Hearing process should be directed to them.

The Inquiry and Advisory Committee Process


The Minister for Planning will appoint a joint Inquiry and Advisory Committee (IAC) under the Environment Effects Act 1978 and the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to inquire into and report on the environmental effects of the Project and provide advice on the draft PSA.


The IAC will review the public submissions, EES and draft PSA and will consider the environmental effects of the Project in accordance with the terms of reference issued by the Minister for Planning

The public hearing process will commence in the week beginning Monday 31 July 2023 and will run for approximately four (4) weeks, as required.


Members of the public and any other parties seeking to be heard at the public hearing are required to submit a written submission and indicate on the online submission form or hard copy submission cover sheet that they would like to be heard.


​If you have any questions regarding the Avonbank Mineral Sands Project EES, the EES Process or how to make a submission, please contact:

Avonbank Mineral Sands Project

WIM Resource
83 Firebrace Street, Horsham VIC 3400
Phone: 1800 580 787

The EES Process

Department Transport and Planning

Impact Assessment Unit

Phone: (03) 8622 7633


Making a submission or the Inquiry process

Planning Panels Victoria
Phone: 136 186 (select option 6)

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